Friday, May 15, 2020

My Adoption Journey Essay - 1571 Words

While different from most people’s expectations, adoption can be a wonderful alternative to natural child birth. For people that can have their own biological children and for those that can not, adoption can be the solution to having a fulfilling family. The biological parents placing their children for adoption, the adopting parents, and the children being adopted all benefit greatly from adoption. Most women can naturally get pregnant and most men can naturally get women pregnant. But for the small minority that can not get pregnant, for whatever reason or other, have to explore other means of having children. Adoption is a wonderful choice. Adoption has been a blessing for my family. When I found out that my husband could†¦show more content†¦We hired an attorney that handled private adoptions and only paid a fraction of the agency prices. The attorney worked for the birth mother and had the responsibility of connecting the right set of adopting parents with her specific criteria. In our case, the process was simple. The birth mother gave the attorney a set of criteria that she hoped for from the adopting parents. The criteria requested information such as religion, race, education, job security, etc. Our first step was to write a â€Å"Dear Birthmother† letter and tell everything about ourselves. We wrote about what kind of people we were, how we would raise our children, our likes and dislikes, stories about our upbringing, and so on. Part of the letter was written from me and gave my perspective on adoption and the rest was written by my husband which gave his perspective. We included pictures of ourselves, pictures of our home, and pictures of us with extended family members. All of this was compiled into a portfolio. When the attorney thought that she had matched the right couples with the right birth mother, she presented our portfolio along with two others for the birth mother to review. The birthmother narrowed it down to two sets of adopting parents and requested for us to meet with her. She showed a lot of interest in us but wanted to meet with both couples before she made her final decision. A few days after meeting with theShow MoreRelatedReflection On Liberty Godparent Home1640 Words   |  7 Pagespractice setting in particular peeked my interest: The Liberty Godparent Home (LGH) and Family Life Services (FLS). Though two distinct ministries, they work in tandem to facilitate the wellbeing of young mothers and adoption placements. We specifically met with Paige Crouch, the Adoption Caseworker for FLS, and Hailey Belcher, the Case Manager for LGH. 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